Gambo Sesaje.. Tag Kak Gie Settle.. =)
Assalamualaikum semua.. Selesai sudah membelek buku untuk sesi hari ini.. Esok pagi-pagi aku perlu ke sekolah, dengar kata ada program imunisasi BCG.. Waduh.. Aku takut untuk menginject budak-budak comel.. Takut menangis pula nanti.. Huhu..
Sebelum tidur eloklah aku layan sebentar gian menulis aku ini.. Addiction is never fun.. Terseksa wo.. Haha.. Okeylah.. Entry kali ini pasal tag.. Dari Kak Gie yang comel.. Oh ya.. Kalian rajin-rajinlah usha blog Kak Gie okey.. Vote for her daughter Nureen Najwa.. Sebab dia akan masuk Toddlers Super Model Contest.. Comel anaknya.. Macam mamanya juga.. Kecil molek.. Heehee..
Sesiapa yang nak vote.. Meh usha blog Kak Gie..
Okey.. Back in business.. Haha.. Here goes the tag..
1) Use GOOGLE IMAGE to search answers for all the questions below.
2) Choose a picture from the first page of the results and posts it as your answer.
3) Then, tag 5 people.
Okey.. 3, 2, 1.. Goooo.. =)

Pulau Jeju, Korea..

Eiffel.. I'm In Love..

Sabah especially Monsopiad Cultural Village.. Best..
3) Favourite place

Kota Tinggi.. Kampung aku.. Sukee..

Miri, where I grow up.. Rindunya.. =(
4) Favourite food

KFC.. Tapi.. Tak elok for health tau.. =p

Nasi Ayam.. Pi mana-mana first food to think about..

Handphone.. Sebab aku suka explore benda baru..

Hana.. Heehee.. =)
7) Favourite colour

8) My hero

My father - Cikgu Abdullah Ismail

Baby.. It's you.. YOU!!! (Aik.. Abang dinding lagi ke? Haha..)
9) My hobby

Reading.. Read.. Read.. Read..

Cooking.. Cook.. Cook.. Cook..
10) My wishlist

Sebelum tidur eloklah aku layan sebentar gian menulis aku ini.. Addiction is never fun.. Terseksa wo.. Haha.. Okeylah.. Entry kali ini pasal tag.. Dari Kak Gie yang comel.. Oh ya.. Kalian rajin-rajinlah usha blog Kak Gie okey.. Vote for her daughter Nureen Najwa.. Sebab dia akan masuk Toddlers Super Model Contest.. Comel anaknya.. Macam mamanya juga.. Kecil molek.. Heehee..
Sesiapa yang nak vote.. Meh usha blog Kak Gie..
Okey.. Back in business.. Haha.. Here goes the tag..
1) Use GOOGLE IMAGE to search answers for all the questions below.
2) Choose a picture from the first page of the results and posts it as your answer.
3) Then, tag 5 people.
Okey.. 3, 2, 1.. Goooo.. =)
1) Your next birthday
31st January 2010.. Yang 2009 dah lepas.. Uwaaa.. Takpe.. Next year kawan-kawan.. Present2.. Hee.. =p
31st January 2010.. Yang 2009 dah lepas.. Uwaaa.. Takpe.. Next year kawan-kawan.. Present2.. Hee.. =p

2) Places I like to travel

Pulau Jeju, Korea..

Eiffel.. I'm In Love..

Sabah especially Monsopiad Cultural Village.. Best..
3) Favourite place

Kota Tinggi.. Kampung aku.. Sukee..

Miri, where I grow up.. Rindunya.. =(
4) Favourite food

KFC.. Tapi.. Tak elok for health tau.. =p

Nasi Ayam.. Pi mana-mana first food to think about..
5) Favourite things

Handphone.. Sebab aku suka explore benda baru..
6) Your nickname

Hana.. Heehee.. =)
7) Favourite colour

8) My hero

My father - Cikgu Abdullah Ismail

Baby.. It's you.. YOU!!! (Aik.. Abang dinding lagi ke? Haha..)
9) My hobby

Reading.. Read.. Read.. Read..

Cooking.. Cook.. Cook.. Cook..
10) My wishlist

Aku nak baby.. Boleh tak??? Heehee.. =)
Tag 5 people..
~ Innz ~
~ Edan Coba ~
~ Faizul ~
~ Mel ~
~ Sape nak yang last? Haha.. ~
Tag 5 people..
~ Innz ~
~ Edan Coba ~
~ Faizul ~
~ Mel ~
~ Sape nak yang last? Haha.. ~
dek asyik gmbo donlod jerk..gmbo adek mn gmbo adek mn gambo adek mn...cer ltk gmbo adek tgh termenung ke..tgh dok type blog tu ke..ape2 jer ke...BLEH????
~ nk kena bg hadiah ar kalau camtu sbb x simpan tag kiter...kalau k.Gie...peram lama2 psl x sempat nk buat...hahaha....
Kak gie.. Wuish.. Ada lak boyfren kita.. Kita bujang trang tang tang.. Aik.. Hahaha.. Yeay.. Nak hadiah nak hadiah.. =)
itu nickname ker?..hehe
suke hana kimi