Assalamualaikum semua.. Well, sekarang I am in the middle of O&G posting.. There'll be another one week then I'll start with Primary Care posting.. Huhu.. For this post, I just wanna share with you guys some fun things. Teka teki ini telah diberikan oleh Dr. Malhi kepada kami, mencabar minda juga soalannya.. Haha.. =)

1) What is the condition where woman usually terminate their pregnancy?

Ramai antara kami menjawab, chronic disease, uncontrolled gestational diabetes, tapi jawapannya so simple and so smart.. The answer is DELIVERY.. Haha..

Next question..

2) What is the most common sexual transmitted disease?

Haha.. For sure ramai yang jawab AIDS, syphilis tapi jawapannya yet so simple tapi smart.. Hehe.. Jawapannya? PREGNANCY.. =)

Have fun asking people around you.. =)


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