Love Is Just Plain And Simple..

Na Tum Jaano Na Hum.. There is time, when people will say, "sometimes you just leave it to God.."

It portrays how simple a "love" is.. Well.. Love is not meant to be complicated anyway.. It's us who tend to make it complicated.. Love.. It is just plain and simple..

She said.. "To fall in love, first you must like the boy, describe as a good and comfortable feeling when he is around, followed by friendship and endless chats.. And.. Love will happens on its own.."

And.. Thinking of this.. A smile on my face and it really brightens up my Sunday morning.. Enjoy your weekend peeps.. Do appreciate the one.. Coz you never know.. Heehee.. Assalamualaikum.. =)

FOOT NOTE: Teringat entry yang dicoret untuk contest Joegrimjow, True Meaning Of Love.. =)


Hizami Li berkata…
ngeee ...
jodoh pertemuan di tangan Allah.
ieda berkata…
suke2 .. suke cite nieehhhh ;)
Nur Suaidah Bachok berkata…
hikhik!! entry yg kamu buat tuk joe dulu, i bace u~ hehehe!
Fnd Rocka berkata…
Selamat hati ahad juga woi...(er tergarang lak)
Fnd Rocka berkata…
Selamat hati ahad juga woi...(er tergarang lak)
@iedaohh.. akak penah tengok eh? saye tgh layan skarang.. dah masuk ni 3 kali tgk.. haha..
@molmolla Auww.. I ingat lagi sokongan u pada i.. Kikiki.. :p
@fndrocka woooo.. garang tol ko ni kan fnd.. haha.. :p
farhana berkata…
Yesss, betul.
Kadang2 hati je rasa suka, tapi xde inisiatif nak rapatkan perhubungan.
i/e: Endless chat.
Sumtimes, diri sendiri tertipu dgn hati.
Liza berkata…
criter hindustan skrg nie kurang best dari yg dulu2...kurang syahdu ler
deus X machina berkata…
cintan cintun saja dr ni skang ye, hehe

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