No Worry


Salam malam Khamis untuk semua. Sekejap saja waktu berlalu, 3 Julai dah nak berlabuh dalam beberapa jam saja lagi. 2 Julai, aku ke Jabatan Pengimejan Diagnostik untuk mengambil report untuk MRI yang aku lakukan hari sebelumnya. 

Syukur pada-NYA. It's not something terribly serious. I'm lucky that my discs are not compressing the spinal canal. Not yet. (Minta dijauhkan)

They are just pressing and pinching on the nerve root at 2 levels. Boleh dikatakan fasa awal sebelum berlakunya slipped disc. That's why apart from the fascia pain, I had this other kinds of pain. Burning and shooting, cramping and aching, numbness and tingling. We'll see what my neurologist are going to offer to me next week. I guess it'll be the same pain killing meds that is never working for me, and physio for back strengthening I guess. Say no to surgery, please!

So to the people it may concerns, is this paper enough? Still thinking that I'm acting sick, and lazy to work? It's hurting inside, what people tend to say without giving a damn about your feelings.  What they only know are just keep demotivating you. But well, no one really cares. Only Him, who always listen to my pray, who always accompany me when I'm in tears, in pain and in broken-hearted.

Heh. I guess I can't grow old with my other half, cause my body is already aging to the stage where I can call myself old people. Haha. Maybe alone, that's what suits me. Okay, cut the crap. Write no more. Till here then. Take care people. Assalamualaikum.


nich berkata…
awk sakit apa? huhuhu.. smoga cepat sembuh k dear?
el berkata…
smoga diberi kesihatan baik2 kat ana ea
Tanpa Nama berkata…
ai....senyum la...;-)
moga cepat sembuh..
good luck....;-)
@nich Sakit biasa-biasa. Sakit orang tua cik nickkhun. Hehe. :p
@el Terima kasih kak El. Mudah-mudahan. ;)
@Anonymous Ai. Saya selalu senyum. Hehe. Terima kasih. Senyum selalu juga untuk kamu. Ai ai. ;)
Tanpa Nama berkata…
hehe...sama2 kasih....salam kenal.....
shahirahkhairudin berkata…
Ana.. jangan cakap pasal living alone ni semua. pukul kang ! semua orang ada bahagian masing masing. InsyaAllah ada. Tapi kalau bukan di dunia, kat sorga nanti dapat bidadara kacak. awwww !
@Anonymous Hehe. Banyaknya titik. Salam kenal juga cik anonymous. ;)
@shahirahkhairudin Okay kakak comel. Itu cuma luahan rasa di sudut hati yang paaaaaliiiiiing kecil. Yang paling besar memanglah mahu berdua lebih baik. Hihi. Thanx sis. I'll always remember that. ;)

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