

Salam hujung minggu. Hmm. Syawal dah nak habis kan? Rasanya dah masuk 28 Syawal kot, tapi dekat KL masih bersepah-sepah lagi open house. I bet next weekend will be too. As for me, weekend will be bed, kitchen, sleep, cook, movie/series marathon. Sounds boring? Not for me. Haha. 

While browsing through Instagram, I saw a friend sharing this video, from an account called Melody Dalam Puisi. A great account to follow. You can follow them on their Instagram account, as well as their Facebook page. The video title is WANITA YANG PANDAI MENUNGGU. It was sooo inspiring. Well, inspiring bagi aku at least, seorang bekas penunggu. Hahaha. 

Sehebat apa kita setia.
Selama apa kita menunggu.
Sekeras apa kita bersabar.
Telah ditetapkan-NYA.

I never regret waiting, but I decided not to wait anymore. I'm letting it go, as I'm not young anymore. Maybe my circle of social life has widen since I'm on this job, and maybe there are plenty of chances out there for me to get to know people, and there are so many maybe, that I don't have the answer for. But, ALLAH knows best. HE is a great planner after all. 

Apa pun, aku suka mesej dalam video atas tu. Okaylah, selamat malam. Selamat berhujung minggu dan selamat beropen house semua. Makan elok-elok, jangan sampai kena food poisoning okay. Assalamualaikum.

P/S: Penyebab Senyuman Dalam Rahsia, sedap nama aku bagi ni kan? Haha. Tapi nampaknya aku tak boleh simpan dah epal merah berukir. Apa pun, terima kasihlah.


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