Happy Kids


Adults tend to dream of travelling back through time, and becoming a free and happy kids. No responsibilities, no need to think of problems, basically childhood times are a period where you are free from any worry and problem.

I am at a peak of time where I feel all the stress coming to me from all corners, I am suffocating in my own problem and path to my future. 50% of people supports my decision but the rest of it seems like totally disagree with the decision that I already made. And most of all, the people that I need the most are the one who keeps reminding me of the wrong decision that I've made. I don't know, their attitude to me have change. A lot. 

A lot where I somehow feel there is a distance that drift me and them far apart. A big hole. It's like they are hating me for what I've done. And because of that, I feel very very lonely. There are times when you feel even though you live in a house with 6 other people but you are still feeling lonely. There is no other way I could turn but only to Allah.

Orang kata perasaan buruk itu semua bisikan syaitan saja. Berdoa pada Allah moga diberi ketenangan hati dan keterangan jiwa. Semua masalah ada penyelesaiannya. But as for now, I love to watch kids and how much I wanted to have my own child. Mereka seperti virus kebahagiaan, kegembiraan.

Well, till here people. Good morning. Salam Subuh dan salam hujung minggu. Jaga diri semua. Assalamualaikum.


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