Wordless Wednesday #8 : And I'll Love You Too.. Is It?
Eh!! Aci tak nak update wordless Rabu dua kali?
Aci kan?

Came across this picture.. Basically it has words in it, not exactly wordless kind of thingy but still acceptable.. Kan kan kan? =)
I'm just interested with the picture.. What you give, you'll certainly get back.. Seriously, is it? Yeah.. But not in every condition and situation.. Sometimes you just can give and you'll get nothing for payback..
Ikhlaskan hati..
Ikhlaskan hati..
Ikhlaskan hati..
Assalamualaikum semua..
Sy pn sdg cuba ikhlaskan hati =)
the caricature is great..
tapi kartun tu comel! sangat~
lama akak x mai
raya nie farhana x bertugas ke ??