I Can

Assalamualaikum. Malam semua. Nak tidur dah ke? Mata aku pun dah berat sangat dah sebenarnya, tapi gagahkan juga diri nak menulis. Excited nak menulis. Heeee. Aku sendiri baru balik dari menghadirkan diri ke APHM 2017. Pertama kali attend healthcare conference, as an exhibitor. To be honest juga, pertama kali dapat join event healthcare from the other side of the "view". If you know what I mean. Haha. Mula-mula cuak sebenarnya bila kena pergi, takut ada, kemalasan pun dah tentu-tentulah datang sekali. Pakej orang kata. Bukan apa, rasa masih lagi anxious bila dalam crowd. Rasa macam socially awkward, walaupun dah 2 kali pergi survey. It takes time, but I know I'll slowly overcome that. So today is the day, a platform to fight this social anxiety, to make it go away and learn to approach people without feeling scared and self-conscious. I can't say I'm proud of myself, not yet anyway, but I feel happy to talk to a lot of people, from different field...