Barely Breathing : Doakan Diri Ini

Assalamualaikum.. Happy Monday morning to all my dear readers.. 

Currently, the feeling inside is like, "Phew! It's been so long since I take a walk here in my lovey doveyland.." Heh.. I've been super duper stressful these past few days.. No words can best describe what I feel now.. I feel like crying, but the tears stuck inside the gland as if it is telling me, "Farhana! You are a strong girl, you will always be one.. Keep holding on my dear.."

* * *

What I see in front of me now, it's only black and white.. Even when I look at myself, I see no colors.. Half dead? Half alive? Whatever it is, I'm barely breathing.. Voices inside of me keep shouting, "Get up! Up up and away!"

Praying! Believing! Whatever situation I am now, Allah is always here with me.. This is just another bump in the journey of my life.. All this colorless, barely breathing will quickly pass by.. And there I go, up up in the sky..

And not forgotten, the smile.. The light of happiness..  It'll be back.. For every test that HE puts me on, if I fall, I have to remind myself that after each suffering, pain and tears after the fall, I must gain back the strength to stand up again..


Ya Allah.. Permudahkanlah jalan yang akan aku tempuhi.. Kurniakanlah aku ketenangan hati, kekuatan diri agar dapat aku tempuhinya.. Mudah-mudahan perjalanan hidup yang tertulis untukku ini akan aku lalui dengan jayanya.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin..



HEART SPEAKS : Doakan aku juga ya sahabat-sahabat tercinta.. Mudah-mudahan semuanya akan dipermudahkan..


Whoopz berkata…
nape doc? Bum je tuh.. Bukan c0ncrete wall pun kan? Kalau nak c0ncrete wall pun bleh diruntuhkan.. Be str0ng.. Zikir byk2.. InsyaAllah.. Hati akan kembali riang gembira.. U rawks.. :)
mr.syazwan berkata…

ingat pada-Nya

farhana berkata…
Terasa mcm entry ni ditujukan untuk diri sendiri plak, cz ada nama Farhana.
Hidup kdg2 kat atas, kdg2 kat bawah. Bila kat bawah, kita kena tolak diri sendiri supaya naik atas semula.
Jangan biarkan diri di awah selama-lamanya...

Good luck my fav doc! =)
wachak berkata…
Berusaha sedaya mungkin, Berdoalah seyakin yakinnya dan tawakal dan berserah pada Nya. Moga ketentuan yg baik buat dirimu selalu.

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