Fin! Kkeo Jyeo!


First and foremost, I need to state it here in my post, that all the pictures EXCEPT the last one, are not mine. So, credit goes to the original uploader, I just borrowed it through Uncle Google. Thank you to the owner of this pictures. I love all of them. ^^

It has been quite some time since I posted something in this blog. And it's the usual reasons and excuses, "BUSY" "LOSING THE MOOD" and etc. Haha.

My recent favourite K-Drama, The Master's Sun has come to an end last week. A 9 weeks journey full of ups and downs, sweet and sour, some draggy moments here and there, but luckily still able to finish it and not leaving it half way in the middle. 

The show started out great. Seriously it is something that is really worth watching even for those who are not a fan of K-Drama, you will like this one. The story line is unique, fresh, and I haven't watch dramas with this kind of feeling like I bear when I watch The Master's Sun.

But then at some point in the middle, I think after episode 13, it started to feel draggy, like the writer just purposely putting in unnecessary scenes just because they wanted to make 1 episode extension. But it is still watchable. Thanks to the macho oppa Joo Joong Won and drama queen Unnie, Tae Gong Shil. Our couple really deserves an award in this year end award show. Especially Tae Gong Shil, she is just great!! A+ actress I can say. ^^

And of course, a romantic comedy usually end up with a happy ending. Ouh! When I think about it, those kisses at the end of the drama, it's really fishy. It feels like the kiss is not between Joo Joong Won and Tae Gong Shil, but between So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin!! Lol! Sorry for my wild imagination.

And because it has ended, I'm officially "NOT BUSY" anymore. Haha. Got another 2 weeks for me to start back my routine. And I hope this time it gonna turns out good. Better than before. ^^

And because I love the chemistry between both main actor and actress, and because my feeling will always remain as a secret and one sided feeling, so I act like a child (adik aku kata aku syok sendiri), and I change the image pictures for me and for that someone who always make me smile. So that it looks like, hey, Joo Joong Won and Tae Gong Shil!! Gosh! I'm really a muka tak tahu malu person. Haha. It's okay. Just this one time. Please! 

Please understand the heart of a girl with one sided feeling. Haha. Before it goes "Kkeo Jyeo!" Who would have thought that this is the act of a 26 years old woman. She really acts like 16. Huh.

Next is The Heirs a.k.a The Inheritors. Will it be as good as The Master's Sun? Just wait and see. Take care people. Assalamualaikum.


Time Traveller berkata…
Betul tu no wonder u are women or men.. be rich before u married to someone.. that true..

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