Pinjam Hati, Boleh?


Back in KL after 4 days lazying around happily with my dearest family. Ouh. How I miss home. Should go back frequently I guess. Haha. 4 days are never enough you know. 


September was indeed a hectic month, but a fruitful one too. More experience gain, more knowledge, and of course more and more new people I met and be friend with. I'm really grateful for everything that I have now. There may be things that are not sufficient, but Allah replace it with much much better things. Syukur to Allah.


And September, was a month of sadness too. Our family had lost a few of our beloved cats, unfortunately they succumbed to a deadly virus called "Parvovirus". Currently, we are trying hard to take care the rest of them who are at early stage of infection. Pray for them. Lets hope they are strong and will fight this through.


And last but not least, my another kesayangan, "Snow", had been missing for a week now. I don't know why, but it hurts inside, my heart kept pondering, where is he, is he safe, is he alive, is he eating, is he soaking in the rain, and so many questions keep popping inside my head. Unknowingly, I cry and cry and cry. It has been a year and 8 months since I took care of him after his mother died. And now, he is nowhere to be found. Snow, wherever you are, please be happy. Along loves you, always and forever.

Never knew losing a cat could make you so heartbroken.


Pinjam hati, boleh?

Selamat malam semua. Doakan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak bulusku ya. Semoga mereka sentiasa baik-baik saja.



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