Bleh! Not Romantic


Apa khabar semua? Eh! Macam bergema rumah, kosong eh? Haha. Lama tak menulis, bila nak mula menulis, ada saja kerja yang akan terlintas dekat kepala. Nak ikutkan, macam adik aku kata, kerja memang tak akan pernah habis. Jadi in the midst of kesibukan, kenalah cari sikit waktu untuk kita isi kekosongan hati. Ecewah, gitu!!

Baru balik dari Penang semalam, bercinta betul naik flight semenjak ada inner ear problem. Hurm. Problem of ear pressure is worse than before I had this ear problem. Guess I need to take some time and pay a visit to an ENT specialist. Kan?

Okaylah, back to the main reason I wanted to write this post. I am not sure if I can express this well, but I really want to write about this. Kisah Engku Emran dan Bella. Congratulation first of all to this love birds, I've been following them since I heard about the rumors they are in love and planning to get married.

Aku dah lama follow Instagram Laudya Cynthia Bella, sebab suka dia sejak zaman BBB. Plus, I got a really bad girl crush dengan dia, sebab dia sangat teramatlah cantik. Heee. I followed Kumbre after a while sebab suka tengok aktiviti fitness yang dia involve.

Pasangan ini memang tak sama dengan pasangan lain, when I followed them "seriously" in Instagram, I'm thinking I may see a lot of lovey dovey dates and pictures and all. Macam biasa yang kita tengok. But not in their case. Once in a blue moon mungkin kau akan nampak gambar lunch ke apa ke. But memang sangat jarang atau hampir tak adalah senang cerita. Itupun melalui akaun Bella. Akaun Instagram Engku nan hado. 

At that time, I kept pondering, are they gonna get married for real? Are they really in love? My thought at that time, bleh, he is not romantic at all.

*I know, silly me, silly thoughts. Dush dush to me.*

These two love birds finally got married yesterday. And today, Engku Emran making a short story in his Instagram, a story about how he met his love and the journey towards making it a halal relationship. I was really touched. They know each other just for a short period of time and then they decided to get married. The description of each picture in Engku's instagram was very deep and meaningful. It shows how he really love his wife. He is romantic, who the heck saying he is not. Duh. *rolling eyes*

Nowadays, it somehow become a norm, showing and displaying affections in social media. Through is, we never know the behind story of each and every picture in social media. They may look happy, loving but in reality they may be not. Some of them may not show and express their love to their loved ones, but that doesn't mean they love them less. They are reason Engku doesn't flaunts his love to the world through the social media, but as long as they both know they love each other, that's more than enough. Salah satu sebabnya, benda yang orang kata belum tentu lagi, jadi buat apa kita nak duduk tayang duduk hebah. Tak gitu? Kan kan kan?

Banyak benda aku nak express banyak lagi aku nak tulis, tapi aku rasa macam tak sampai makna sebenarnya yang aku cuba nak sampaikan. Kau faham apa aku tulis? Aku sendiri tak faham. Hahahaha. Tak apalah, biar aku tunggu short love story seterusnya dari Bella dan Engku, mungkin nanti ada idea nak menulis balik. Hahaha.

Daaaaa. Happy weekend semua. Jaga diri. Senyum selalu. Assalamualaikum.


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