That Guy, He Definitely Caught My Attention


Just came back from 'war'.. Phew! What a great experience, being accompanied by bunch of funny, weird, and of course, HANDSOME guys.. LOL! But, there is only this one guy, that one and only who definitely caught my attention..

Dr. Bruce Banner?

Well, he is cool, he kept himself cool and steady, quite a low profile guy I guess.. But, not him.. It's the other one, the one who got problem with ANGER MANAGEMENT.. The other side of Dr. Bruce Banner.. =)

Yerp! This big green guy who smash Loki all over the floor and call him "DEWA LEMBIK".. Kah kah kah.. The audience burst in laughter and everyone is clapping their hand.. This is EPIC! I love you BIG GREEN GUY! LOL! Thank you for making Tony Stark the Ironman startled with that voice of yours.. And he comes back to us, ALIVE.. =) 

Secara keseluruhannya, THE AVENGERS adalah terbaik! 5 bintang dari 5 bintang.. Dan SANGAT LAWAK, bukan lawak yang dipaksa-paksa okay.. (Amboi! Amboi! Amboi! Syok sendiri nampak!) Well, mungkin kecenderungan dan minat aku memang pada genre cerita yang begini, so I find this film, it is just something great.. Each and every character really stands out, particularly Tony Stark, he is one of a kind.. Captain America and Thor, as usual, able to melt a girl's heart.. Ops! =p

Confirm malam nanti mimpi jadi superhero that belongs in THE AVENGERS and saving the world.. Haha.. Siapa yang belum tengok lagi, rugi tak tengok.. Siapa yang dah tengok, jom join aku tengok kali kedua.. Haha.. Till here, good night and happy holiday..



arrizz berkata…
semua watak menyerlah..balance..avengers memang terbaik!
akhiyy berkata…
wah smpi nak tngk kali ke citer neyh??hehhe
Ezad Skytech berkata…
the avengers mmg best...time hulk baling2 Loki tu kelakar...haha...

> tak rugi kalau nak tgk kali kedua kan..:D
Puteri Iqa Izyan berkata…
agknye kan iqa sorang je tak teruja nk tgk cite ni. hehehe

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