Hana's Random Nagging : Of Work, Of Life, Of Future


I'm writing again, exactly a month after my previous post. 31 years old and 15 days. Still going on steady and strong despite the reality of nearly becoming a zombie. Haha. Today is the last day of working before starting our 3 days Chinese New Year holiday. Please welcome me back, oh my bed. Been missing you for quite some time now. Before going off from work, we had our appraisal session with the big boss. Ouh. And that was fun. Haha.

In 8 days plus minus, mark my 1 year working here. It's been one great of a journey, able to catch a visit to 10 hospitals within this one year. The memorable journey, I guess were the one in Penang and Sabah. I told my big boss, I've learned a lot through this journey and my interest towards healthcare management and quality healthcare has become deeper. Big boss was suggesting for me to take up fellowship course, hmm, still thinking about it. It's great for professional development but the commitment it requires, I need to really think about that. 

Basically, work has been going and good, or I can say great. Still enjoying life, although my definition of enjoy may differ with others. Haha. I am more of a home person so cooking at home, laying on my bed are what I called as enjoying life. I love travelling, but I can't do it solo cause I'm a scaredy cat. So I have keep it as one of my wishlist, my dream, to travel with family and my future husband, once, twice or three times a year? Taking pictures, enjoying walk, experience new things. Wishing for a dream come true. Heeee.

People say don't think too much of the future as it is uncertain, experience and enjoy the present. But still, we need to look out for it. Plan for it although it may or may not going on as how we plan, at least we make an effort to make it comes true. Right? Living in Kuala Lumpur wasn't actually my plan and my choice. As we know the cost of living here is so high, basically you spend what you earn without not much of saving. Paying this and that. So what's left? Haha. Been planning with a friend for a part time job after settling down with tons of reports after this. Even looking out for a part time job wasn't easy. It's not that we are trying to be rich by working two or three jobs, it's just that we are planning for a better life in the future with enough saving. Plus, 31 years old, and if you want to get married you need to work your ass off and earn money, never make loan, listen to my piece of advice. 

Guess I will finally see how I become a zombie if I manage to find a suitable part time job. Hahaha. People said money don't buy us happiness, but you know, without money, there is a tendency it will affect your level of happiness, a bit?? Hahaha. True right?

Just praying that everything will going well and work out well in 2018. Pray for an ease of journey in life. That's all I am asking. And also, praying for a faithful and loyal heart.

Much love. Good night. Assalamualaikum.

P/S: For those who have been dropping questions in my "TUMPANG TANYA" box, please check your email. There are so many questions, but I will try to reply it when I got time. Thank you.


Hans Hanis berkata…
duit tak boleh beli kebahagiaan
tapi tak ada duit pun macam mana nak bahagia kan
Unknown berkata…
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