
Assalamualaikum. Can't believe, in a blink of eye, we are leaving November in just a few days. After that, we are going to December and after a month, say goodbye to 2015. What a painful and struggling year, but I tried doing anything within my reach to make it less difficult. Hoping for a much better year in 2016. By the way, already lost 9 kilos since Jom Kurus, the journey is still far, but I'm glad I'm doing it slow and steady, enjoying each and every moment. Million thanks to my coach @ my little brother. He did good in coaching me, for a 16 years old boy. Haha. Hmm. A lot has been happening lately. Happy occasion should I say. A few weeks back, our house got a not so surprise visit. Well, elderly called it "merisik". During that session, that they decided for an engagement ceremony to be held next week. Wow. So fast. Haha. During this period of time, I got mixed feelings. A feeling of an eldest child in the family, who happen to be a girl, a...