Tonton Avengers : Age Of Ultron Di AEON Bandaraya Melaka?

"There is one path to peace. Their destruction." Assalamualaikum. Remembering the entry that I wrote 3 years back (Ouh! How time flies!), dated in 2012, a memory that I shared with my siblings, getting an opportunity to watch The Avengers and we left the theater in awe. The show was GREAT!! And now, it's already 2015. We've been waiting for this since the day that we stepped out of the theater after watching The Avengers. (Ouh! Exaggerating much!) And finally, Marvel's Avengers - Age Of Ultron is coming to your cinema this 23rd April. It's been quite some time since I visit the cinema for a movie, don't have the mood to mingle in the society, nafsu mati. Huh. But luckily, I give myself a break for this. Lol! I booked the show on 24th April, again watching with my dearest siblings, I just love a siblings day out. Can't wait to scan the code and sitting with a popcorn in my hand watching the BIG GREEN GUY , again. Haha. Ouh yeah. And t...