Paranoia And Phobia

Assalamualaikum. Here, I bring to you the definition of paranoid and phobia based one the Oxford dictionary. Paranoid - Unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious or mistrustful. Phobia - An extreme or irrational fear. Well, let me count, I think this paranoia and phobia things have been going around meddling with my head for quite some time already. Hmm. I think maybe around 2 to 3 months. It started since I read about the news regarding a school teacher who was shot to death on his way to school. To add up the essence and spice up the flavor, we've been expose to the world of gangsterism in Malaysia. There are a long lists of "Geng" that have been exposed by our police. And along with that, more and more people has lost their life, shot to death, stab by sharp objects subsequently lead to death and thousand of other cruel ways that we could hardly imagine that kind of things could actually happen in real life. People has lost their humanity...