Quality Care : Chronic Dialysis Treatment In Malaysia

Quality Care : Chronic Dialysis Treatment In Malaysia The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are about the size of our fist. Everyday, the kidneys work hard to filter approximately 180 litres of fluid and in turn produce roughly 1 - 2 litres of urine, composed of waste materials and extra fluid. Kidney is also an organ that produce certain essential hormones such as renin and eruthropoietin. As the world is evolving, it is a big no thank you to our unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles that subsequently lead to our kidneys falling sick. It is reported, in 2017, there are 40,000 kidney failure cases in Malaysia with the major contributor being the patient with pre-existing Diabetes Mellitus (61%) and Hypertension (18%). Our beloved country is already a "champion" among Asean countries for our highest number of people with obesity problem, if our unhealthy lifestyle continues, according to experts, we may be the country with highest rate of kidney failure due to ...