Wait Or Walk Away?

Assalamualaikum. It's been a while. I got so many things to say, but I don't know where to start. Here goes a story about that feeling that has been bothering for quite some time now. And yesterday, that feeling makes me want to write something here. Hmm. You know that feeling of liking someone? It's liking but not yet going into loving. Yesterday I read a status that was shared by someone I like. A status from Dr. Bilal, stating that "Your future spouse has already been chosen for you by Allah. It doesn't make sense to cry over someone who doesn't belong to you." It kinda gives me a wake up call, like it was meant for me somehow. I've been liking this someone since few years back that I known him. Because he used to always be there for me. A good chit chatting partner I should say. Time goes by and I really wonder how I've come to like this person. That entry that he wrote in his blog during my birthday in 2011, really make me feel cl...