Hopes For 31 On 31st

Assalamualaikum. I wonder if this blog still has its regular visitors like it used to be, once upon a time. Haha. You never write a thing what, the last one would be in December, what do you expect Farhana? Heh! In just a blink of an eye, we already got passed half of January, 2018. I repeat, 2018! Haha. And in just a few days, the number 30 will proudly jump to 31. To make it more special, 31 years old on 31st of January. Well, I bet people will get this date to get married, right people? Haha. At the age of 31, what have I achieved? Hmmm. In term of carrier, I have been in this field nearly a year, venturing from clinical medicine into quality healthcare system is something different in total. But, what I can say, I love this newly gained experiences. It changes me a lot, personality wise, interaction with people, I became braver than before. But still a shy girl. Haha. My plan is to develop myself more in this field, to become an expertise on it. Thinking of furthering ...